Apache Stanbol Documentation
This documentation of Apache Stanbol targets at Content Management System (CMS) developers and integrators, who want to use and integrate Apache Stanbol RESTful services into their CMS. Secondly, it is for Apache Stanbol contributors, which are developing Apache Stanbol components and engines.
- Usage Scenarios
- Components
- Tools and Utilities
- Enhancer Stress Test Tool - allows to send concurrent requests to the Stanbol Enhancer for Performace/Stress testing of the Stanbol Enhancer, Chains and Enhancement Engines.
- Commons Solr - as Apache Solr is used by several Apache Stanbol components Apache Stanbol provides utilities that ease the use of Solr within OSGi; support the initialization of SolrCores with predefined configurations and data; allows to publish the Solr RESTful API on the Stanbol Web UI.
- Marmotta KiWi Repository Service - allows to use the Apache Marmotta KiWi Triplestore within an OSGI environment.
- Data File Provider - infrastructure used by Apache Stanbol to load data file such as statistical models of NLP frameworks. archives of Knowledge Bases ...
- Demos
- A few slide decks are available.
Note 1: In addition to the documentation on this site, every Apache Stanbol instance provides you with live documentation when pointing your browser to the Apache Stanbol start page. It contains further descriptions and the most up-to-date documenation for each component and its RESTful API. Additional technical notes for each component can be found within various README files within the source code.
Note 2: This is the documentation of the Apache Stanbol trunk. Meaning that some of the features documented here might not yet be available in an official Apache Stanbol release. If you are using a specific released version of Apache Stanbol, you might want to consider using the documentation of this release instead.